Intigo 3D Solutions
The Gateway to all our solutions start with a Pyramid. The vision for Intigo involves companies & IP holders creating digital inventory that can be streamed securely to a pyramid on a 3D printer anywhere around the globe!
When it comes to commercial 3D print facilities, labs, & studios who service customers, they will want Henry to manage multiple pyramids, operation workflows, & digital inventory for those customers
Digital Inventory
Substituting a mold for a pyramid enables business & end customers to produce parts on site locally. Pyramids protects your digital inventory when streaming the 3D printable file to any 3D printer around the globe.

Henry is used by commercial 3D Print Facilities to manage their pyramids, departments, customers, workflows & digital inventory. Henry the lion is named after Henry Ford & the assembly line. Henry the lion manages your digital assembly lines while granting access to digital inventory & Pyramids for production