Securely Stream 3D Printable Files
Pyramids protect IP while putting manufacturing in the hands of business & customers

Manage personel & workflows

Secure 3D Printers & data feedback
Order Management & Inspections

Optimize 3D printing Facility with Henry

Manage 3D Print Facilities & Departments

Digital Inventory for 3D Printable files

Pyramids - For Factories

Enhanced Management
Build & Create digital inventory to share with internal staff or external clients through a pyramid. Manage customers, workflows, internal departments & access to digital inventory with Henry

Remote Monitoring Capabilities
Network & Monitor your pyramids with a diverse range of 3D printers to optimize & gain insights into your manufacturing fleet.

Pyramids For End Customers
Digital Inventory

End Customers
Surf through digital inventory to stream parts to your pyramid to produce the part on demand. Each pyramid comes with a tablet to monitor parts streaming through the 3D print process

Click , Stream & Print
Give customers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the setup, configuration, and parameters for 3D printing through the pyramid device. Customers with no manufacturing experience just need to click and confirm production shared with their inventory.